Master Key Week 20

When Inspiration and Motivation Dies – Let Discipline Take Its Place

This week in the Franklin makeover I chose “Discipline’!

Today I look at my day in a new light and take pride in the discipline it has taken to consistently create over four months of concentrated effort to repeat our Master Key lessons over and over and over again!

Discipline has created inspiration to live each day with purpose – to complete each day several steps closer to the essence of “I AM”!

Today it is a habit – Self- Discipline “drives me” to success, helps me see my life and that of others in a new light and gives me motivation, confidence and desire to continue on to the goals that I have placed before myself!

I am recognizing that self-discipline is inherent and comes from within – this week in lesson 20 I recognize that the discipline is coming from my thoughts, through my “sits”, and creating the motivation that I seek.

Self-discipline is effecting the way “I think”, how “I feel”, how I motivate myself’ and how I find inspiration in each day! It has inspired me to “look beyond” just today leading me to the development of my purpose.

20:18 – Inspiration is from within. The Silence is necessary, the senses must be stilled, the muscles relaxed, repose cultivated. When you have thus come into possession of a sense of poise and power you will be ready to receive the information or inspiration or wisdom which may be necessary for the development of your purpose.

Discipline is described often as something that we don’t want to do but need to do anyway to get to our goals.

I find discipline to be the bridge I need to take to see my efforts become success!

Published by Key2living

I am blessed to be a wife, mother,grandmother, great grandmother, mentor,and a freedom motivated entrepreneur who wants to inspire mindset, skill and love through a life of health and wellness. I have a lot to learn through my journey of self discovery but "believe, achieve and receive" is my motto that keeps my heart forever full! My dream and my focus is to work with family, friends, acquaintances and those I am yet to meet; passionately inspiring health, wealth, time and money!

6 thoughts on “Master Key Week 20

  1. Great post! I like the quote by Lincoln. I also like it because there is sometimes confusion about following what one really wants, what is in their intuition. Great distinction. It’s what you want most, not what you want now. Like what you want MOST may be a healthy fit body, what you want NOW may be a bowl of cheetos. 😀


    1. Yes – your comment made me smile and was such an appropriate comment for today – Made me sit us and listen to what the day has in store! What I want MOST is the reality of the day! Thank you!


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